DIY for the equestrian

I love DIY stuff.  Love is probably not the right word...obsess is more correct.  I would guess this obesession is why the essential oil business chose me.  On a side Inote, I'm looking at schools for aromatherapy--anyone out there have a recommendation?   Right now I'm leaning toward the program at AromaHead.  I have a lot of extra commercially made stuff from my subscripition services, but as I run out I add in my DIY products.    For your convience, I've included a list of what I've made and a link to where I found the recipie.  What do you make for your horses?  What do you want to try?  I'd really love to try some of the DIY barn organization ideas, but mine just never quite turn out "right."  They always look thrown together instead of neat-o and the end result should end up on one of those Pinterest Fail memes.    Anyway, list and links below.  If you've tried any of those barn hacks, take a picture and send to me.  I just might have a goodie to send back to you.  :-)  

Oh, and before I forget, my pal over at Galloping into Greatness has a couple of tricks for your horses who have some bald spots.  Check out her blog.  I think you'll love it.


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