I've been selected!

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If there could be one quote to sum me up  that would be it.  I feel like I'm a person who knows a little about a lot but not much about 1 thing.  One of the "one things" I know a little about is writing.  It started when I was little and continued through college.  I've had my share of rejections and opportunities in the writing world.    I attended art camps as a kid and was highly encouraged to write as a teenager.  That all came to a halt when I received my first big rejection in college.  I was pretty naive and didn't realize there would be many more rejections after that.  Prior to that, I hadn't been rejected and I certainly had never worked with an editor.  Little did I know how important editors would be!

When I moved on to other careers, I was give the opportunity to write again.  This time, with the work of an editing team to help me clarify my ideas.  The funny thing about writing is that it all sounds great in my head but doesn't always come out on paper the way I envision it.  Editing teams are great at helping with that.  The writing spark was reignited and hasn't gone out since.

Part of me wants to be a novelist and I've got the pages of unfinished novels to prove it and the other part of me screams to be in the barn all day.  When it comes to horses, I've had the opportunity to write for the CHA newsletter and I've had blog posts featured by Snaffle Squad (really cool clearing house of information for dressage riders; or in my case wanna be dressage riders).

Given this little tidbit of information, you can imagine my delight when one of my most favorite equine bloggers, Savvy Horsewoman, put a call out for guest bloggers.  I stewed on a it a bit.  I started to write her an e-mail and then would delete it.  I started again and this time saved it to "drafts."  After about three weeks of stewing and editing, I sent her something.  This time I was prepared for rejection and was comfortable with the idea that I may not be what she's looking for.  After an exchange of a couple e-mails we decided on a topic and voila, I would be a guest blogger!
Well, this week is the week folks.  My guest blog is out there.  I'm a little bit excited (okay, I'm really excited).  If you're curious what I wrote about, you can click here to read.

Writing is an activity which forces me to slow down.  I tend to be somewhat of a "busy body" and am always doing "something."  Lately, that something seems to mostly involve work, commuting work, grading papers for work, taking children to their activity, and doing farm chores.  I am hoping that something will include riding and a few shows this summer.  Anyway...........writing can help slow me down a little bit.  It helps me re-frame and reflect on what's going on in my life.   It helps me clarify my goals and think about what is important to me.  And while I'm not going to be raking in the dollars from my latest equestrian thriller yet, perhaps I'll add it to the long list of things I will do as I keep moving one hoof at a time......


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