Frick on a stick!
I've got a confession. It's a dark, dirty secret and it has started to take over my life. No, I do not have another horse.'s no secret those 4-legged-hay-eating-hair-shedding-balls-of-joy have taken over my life. essential oils stuff? Nope. Not oils related either. I carry this damn thing everywhere and am pretty obsessive about it. In fact, I carry TWO with me. Maybe a new cell phone? After all, I am kind of a tech junkie..... Almost too much of a tech junkie at times. In fact, I have given serious thought to this article on NPR and wonder, how many times have I upset my children because I needed to read one more article or look up "one more thing." I work hard to take time to "unplug" but I wonder if my family and I might need to "unplug" a little more. Alas, no new phone. I might be a tech junkie, but I am a CHEAP tech junkie; which means I will keep my phone until...