Looking for Miss Dee......

I'm looking for a friend of mine and I'm hoping all of you can help me.  It's been a long time since we've seen each other and we're hardly the same person then we were before. I'm looking for my friend,Miss Dee-Lovely, who I knew way back in our teenage years....long before Miss Dee came out to play (at least publicly). We attended art camp together (Arts World, for those who are sticklers for detail), sang together, and  took goofy pictures of each other as teenagers.. long before selfies were a "thing." 

We kept in contact for many years and then poof she was gone...or so I thought.  It turned out Miss Dee was REALLY busy and doing some advocacy work (yes, I've been doing some internet sleuthing).  However, it wasn't until recently that I started thinking about her again.  First, it was about a year ago when my husband and I started unpacking after our move to a new home. I open several boxes of photos and  came across photos from my camp days and then the photos from a subsequent visit later that summer. 

Memories flooded back as I stared down at photos of Miss Dee and myself, cheesing for the camera.  I could suddenly hear TLC's "waterfalls" song blaring in the background and then Dee Lite's "groove is in the heart."  I started to wonder what happened to her and how things were going in her life.  So, I did what anyone would do when trying to look up an old friend......tried Facebook.  

Sure enough there she was.....but nothing posted since 2013!  So...went to Google.  Also nothing since 2013.  I looked up Miss Dee's birth name, which I'm not going to post here because I'm not sure she'd like that out there, also nothing.  I even tried her birth name+obituary thinking maybe she had passed away and I just didn't know it.    
Suddenly, I felt like Dan Taberski from Missing Richard Simmons; not sure if I was looking for someone who just didn't want to be found. 

So, I implore you, help me find my old pal Miss Dee-Lovely.  If you know her or see her, let her know an old friend is looking for her.  An old friend wonders how she's been.  An old friend would like to start being a better friend. 


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