
Showing posts from March, 2016

My guilty pleasure

What a beautiful daaaaayyyyy.....for Horses in the Morning!!!!  Well, if you didn't catch it my post about Road to the Horse and colt starting competitions, I'm totally, completely in love with the Horse Radio Network and the Horses in the Morning show.  Glen and the crew are so much fun! While I've never met them in "real life," I feel as though I they are a group of folks I have come to know. The Horses in the Morning show is my guilty pleasure and my day just doesn't seem complete if I haven't listened.  Now, I don't get to have the opportunity to listen live because of the nature of my "real job" (a.k.a, the thing that gets in the way of all the time I could be riding), but I do listen to an archived pod cast either when I'm feeding the herd in the morning or on my drive to work.  Sometimes, I'll listen to two episodes a day! Today, I'm listening while I grade papers and my toddler is enjoying what, I hope, will be our la...

Yo Alaska!

So, I keep seeing someone from Alaska showing up on my little map that shows where folks are accessing this blog from.  I'd love to hear from you, Alaska.  It is my Hubby's dream to get their one day and I'd love to make that if you've got some Alaska tips for me....I'd be much obliged!   From one cold weather horse lover to another---thanks for dropping by!!!

Colt Starting Competitions

Ah, colt starting competitions!  Do you love them?  Hate them?  Or never seen one?   I'm not sure how I feel about them.  On one hand, I really, really, really want to go to KY and see Road to the Hors e.  On the other hand, I feel like starting quality horses takes time and shouldn't be done in such a high stress scenario like a colt starting competition.  This particular competition is really meant to show case the versatile and quality horses which have come from the 6666 Ranch   and is pretty different from competitions like the Extreme Mustang Makeover  in that the trainers pick their horses the first day of the competition and have only a couple hours each day to make progress with his or her horse during the competition.  The competition takes place over 2 day; versus the Mustang Makeover where folks have a much longer period of time to work their horses.  You can hear what's happening at the 2016 Road to the Horse c...

Spring has. . . gone into hiding?

Such a contrast in weather from a week ago!  Just last week I was mucking out my barn in a tank top and this week I'm back to a hat, mittens, and my coat.  Such is life in Wisconsin!  I received both my Giddy Up Goodies Box and my A Horse Box between the last time I wrote and now.   I was really excited to receive NO THRUSH   in my A Horse Box.  I have been really wanting to try this stuff because we tend to be wet where I live and the horses are prone to thrush.  They can get out the wet but I have one horse who seems to perpetually get it, no matter how dry I get him.   I'll take pictures or do a video so you can see the results.  I'm hoping it will be worth all the hype!

My old life

Ever Google yourself?  Come on, I bet you have.  I won't judge! Well, after the chores were done and the toddler was down for a rest, I decided to Google myself via maiden name and married name.  I was particularly curious as to what came in my prior to marriage life.  What I like to refer to as my "old life." Sadly, a big part of my old life involved a relationship with someone who was an expert manipulator.  While I can never say he laid a hand on me in a harsh way, he had a way about himself where he'd manipulate me to bend to his will.  Now that I'm older and (I hope) wiser, I can see that was not a good relationship to be in.  At the time, I thought I needed to just compromise more and not think so much about myself.  A big part of that manipulation was moving me away from my "redneck" lifestyle.  While he never, ever, ever said, "Don't see your family or don't ride horses or change your major," what he did say was, "I...

Subscription Services

I belong to two subscription services and LOVE both of them because they give me a chance to try some products that I may never think twice about buying.  I keep the labels of the products I really like so I can purchase them in the future.  I'll make a point to photograph what's in my boxes in the future so you, dear reader, can take a gander.   You might think you'd only get trail sized products in these services, but that hasn't been my experience.  I have received full sized products in each and even received a small, slow feeding hay net in one of my Giddy-Up Goodies boxes!                                                                                                               ...

I'm not cut to be a horse saleswoman.....

I'm seriously not cut out to sell horses.  It's a good thing I'm not trying to do this to earn a living or I'd be piss poor broke.  Unfortunately, I need to reduce our herd size; so I have one of our horses up for sale.  Now, since I'm basically amateur in all things horse related, my advertisement is very simple.  However, it covers the basics: breed, age, training, height, color, and a few pictures.  What I have found most frustrating is the ridiculous amount of questions I get, which the prospective buyer would all have at their finger tips if they read my damn ad.  Most of the questions I've received are specific to information clearly included in the ad.  My gut response is that I want to shoot back, "Read the DAMN ad," however, I check myself and politely answer the questions asked.  The second thought that goes running through my head is, "If you can't pay attention to small details like this, how are YOU going to manage taking care ...