My guilty pleasure

What a beautiful daaaaayyyyy.....for Horses in the Morning!!!!  Well, if you didn't catch it my post about Road to the Horse and colt starting competitions, I'm totally, completely in love with the Horse Radio Network and the Horses in the Morning show.  Glen and the crew are so much fun! While I've never met them in "real life," I feel as though I they are a group of folks I have come to know.

The Horses in the Morning show is my guilty pleasure and my day just doesn't seem complete if I haven't listened.  Now, I don't get to have the opportunity to listen live because of the nature of my "real job" (a.k.a, the thing that gets in the way of all the time I could be riding), but I do listen to an archived pod cast either when I'm feeding the herd in the morning or on my drive to work.  Sometimes, I'll listen to two episodes a day!

Today, I'm listening while I grade papers and my toddler is enjoying what, I hope, will be our last snow storm of the year.   Somehow, hearing about Thor and Zeus (the Mustangs) or Scooter (the pony) makes grading late papers with poor grammar almost tolerable!

Not only is the show fun to listen to but I learn something nearly every time I listen.  As someone who describes herself as a lifelong learner I love the opportunity to grow.  After all, there's always something new to learn when it comes to horses!

I challenge you all to listen for yourself and see what new things you might learn!  And, if you don't learn anything new, you're at least going to have yourself a good laugh!


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