Subscription Services

I belong to two subscription services and LOVE both of them because they give me a chance to try some products that I may never think twice about buying.  I keep the labels of the products I really like so I can purchase them in the future.  I'll make a point to photograph what's in my boxes in the future so you, dear reader, can take a gander.  
You might think you'd only get trail sized products in these services, but that hasn't been my experience.  I have received full sized products in each and even received a small, slow feeding hay net in one of my Giddy-Up Goodies boxes!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             One of my favorite products so far has been Hay, Where's that Blue Stuff , which came in one of my A Horse Box subscriptions.  I should had taken photos of the horse I used That Blue Stuff on--he had a terrible case of rain rot on his face and the top of his mane.  This stuff worked wonders. I REALLY hope that shows up in one of my boxes again!

 Each subscription service features different products--I've never had duplicates in either box and love what I've gotten in each.  I end up with a really good supply of a variety of products to try.  Some I've given as gifts and others I've kept for myself.   Watch for product reviews later this month!

Products have ranged from supplements to leather care and pretty much everything in between.  Additionally I've received a wide assortment of grooming supplies, many of which are much higher quality than my budget typically allows for me to purchase.   So, in my situation, these subscription services have been a great "bang for my buck."


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