Scribin', scribin', scribin'!

I am a life long learner. I love to learn and love to grow as an educator, horsewoman, and rider. I have my Wisconsin Horse Council Judge's Card, but I really feel as though I need more experiences to be a fair judge, so I have opted to decline paid requests and focus on Jr. Judging for the time being. This decision has given me the opportunity to develop me eye and increase my speed in the show pen (no one likes to wait on a slow judge...and that I am right now!). Another way I'm educating myself is working as a scribe for Dressage and Western Dressage Shows. While I currently don't make any money doing this, I've heard from some that you can earn money this way. At this point, it's about education and moving toward my long term goal of passing my North American Western Dressage Judge Licensing . The actual work of a scribe is relatively easy to learn but does take some practice. You do have to have the ability to conce...