
Impetigo has hit my house and I am feeling both grossed out and bummed for my toddler.  I am now stuck at home for the next two days, which you'd think would be a good thing.  In fact one of my coworkers said, "Wow, now you can get caught up on all that paperwork you're behind on."  She obviously hasn't tried to get something super serious done with my toddler around.  Yes, I can get SOME done; but I won't get anywhere near caught up.  I live with the most energetic, inquisitive, person I have EVER met.  Considering I see energetic, inquisitive, children every day for work; this is saying a lot (I'm a child care teacher mentor/coach in Early Head Start Child Care Partnerships).

My husband says to me, "Cool!  You can have some horsey time over the next two days!"  I'm going to try that out.  I figure hanging outside isn't going to hurt her and will help keep her mind off of the wound on her face.  If anything, one of the heard is going to be taking a walk in the woods or getting some of that winter hair off!


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