My other life part two
What I've learned along the way is that we all fail from time to time. What makes some of us different is what happens after the failure. I tend to spend a bit of time reflecting (hmmm, I shouldn't delete old blogs! or hmmm, Ph.D's are expensive. Next time I'm going to have a better financial plan before I begin any sort of college course!) and then I figure out what I might try differently next time.
While the fact that I fail at stuff hasn't changed and the fact that I spend time reflecting on what to do next time hasn't changed, what has changed is the amount of "upset" I have in regards to the failure.
Those who know me well have come to learn I'm a bit over the top when it comes to my emotions at times. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and have heard that I'm "reactive" (I prefer the term Highly Sensitive Person, but WHATEVER). I figure I'm honest and that seems better than covering up what's really on my mind....but......that's not always how others perceive me.
Because I work in the public sector, I have to take this feedback to heart, try not to over analyze it, and figure out how to behave emotionally with a little less zest. Reflective practice has been really helpful in this part of my life.
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