My other life part two

In my other life, I'm a bit of a failure.  I ended up quitting my Ph.D. because I couldn't pay for it (you can read about that here.) and I quite writing in a pretty successful blog (You can read it here, if you're so inclined), and before that I retired an even more successful blog, which not only connected me with friends I still have today, but connected me to the gal who ended up taking my fantastic wedding photos.  Sadly, you can't read that one because I DELETED it.  WTF was I thinking?  It is piece of "me" history and *poof* now it's gone!

What I've learned along the way is that we all fail from time to time.  What makes some of us different is what happens after the failure.  I tend to spend a bit of time reflecting (hmmm, I shouldn't delete old blogs! or hmmm, Ph.D's are expensive.  Next time I'm going to have a better financial plan before I begin any sort of college course!) and then I figure out what I might try differently next time.   
While the fact that I fail at stuff hasn't changed and the fact that I spend time reflecting on what to do next time hasn't changed, what has changed is the amount of "upset" I have in regards to the failure.   

Those who know me well have come to learn I'm a bit over the top when it comes to my emotions at times.  I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and have heard that I'm "reactive" (I prefer the term  Highly Sensitive Person, but WHATEVER).  I figure I'm honest and that seems better than covering up what's really on my mind....but......that's not always how others perceive me.

Because I work in the public sector, I have to take this feedback to heart, try not to over analyze it, and figure out how to behave emotionally with a little less zest. Reflective practice has been really helpful in this part of my life.   

Image result for pinkie pie angryNot only do I look less like this but I'm role modeling handling frustration and failure for my three-year-old.  After all, there is ENOUGH big emotion in the house with a toddler AND a teenager.  I don't need to contribute to that one! 


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